Work mates (not the Black and Decker type)

Me, Jim, Nathan and Suzy at work. Nathan and I work in a Design Studio, Suzy works on our Internet website, and Jim now works for; no, I'm not one of the Met's designers! I just build intranet sites to other peoples' designs ...

Jim was the Trekkie of the group - oh dear! At least he's into kick-butt computer games, so that makes up for it I guess. Nathan is always clubbing or in a boozer (as far as I can tell), and Suzy is either in the pub or chillin' and shoppin'. Typical woman... ;) They're a good laugh to hang with at work, and yes, we do get some work done!

If any of us end up going out in Reading, it's a right nightmare, 'cos we end up completely blitzed! As I write this, I'm just recovered from a wild Friday night in the Fez Club (urm, least said about that the better - I missed most of it by falling asleep...).

Here is some evidence from Suzy's birthday party: 

Me, cousin Rob and Esther Mark, Jim, Nathan, me
Aprés party, at my house; from left to right we have my cousins Rob, Esther and Judith, me, Nathan and Jim. Not sure what Jim thinks he is gonna do with the iron though...

Just thought I'd bung this one in - whilst it doesn't have a date or time on it, it was taken on a Sunday before noon when we had to do overtime.

I actually look almost as awake as Suzy....

So Mum, I can get up before noon on a Sunday sometimes!!!

One more thing - the Office made me very happy when they decided to relocate to Exeter...

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